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Bug#729289: Bug#720816: openscenegraph: FTBFS with libav9: FFmpegDecoder.cpp:282:76: error: 'url_feof' was not declared in this scope

2013/11/12 Rebecca N. Palmer <r.palmer@bham.ac.uk>:
>> I now see that these [reverse dependencies]
>> packages are 'sid only',
> They're sid-only because this transition stalled for long enough for its
> FTBFS bugs to trigger the autoremover.  Is that an autoremover bug or a
> feature?

It is a feature, removes packages which are not fit for release for
one reason or another, so helps to not delay the release of ~17
thousand source packages (or whatever number is there in the archive
at the moment) for the sake of a few.

When things are fixed in OSG (in this case) or other problems which
kicked packages out of testing, they will happily migrate to testing
automatically as long as they are fine in unstable, AFAICT.

And the freeze is only on the 5th of November of next year, so there's
plenty of time for more fixes and additional breakages.

>>> Since the transition requested already mentions libopenscenegraph100,
>>> but 3.2.1 is not released, I think that it's actually more risky (or
>>> prone to more delays) if to tie the current transition to these future
>>> ones of OSG.
> The 99->100 soname bump is 3.2.0rc->3.2.0 not 3.2.0->3.2.1 and appears to be
> a standard OSG release procedure (possibly intended as a "don't use
> pre-releases in production" marker) rather than a real change
> (https://github.com/openscenegraph/osg/commits/OpenSceneGraph-3.2?page=2,
> scroll down to Jul 23), so I wouldn't _expect_ further breakage, but I agree
> it's always possible.  (E.g. building with --as-needed, which you do (as
> recommended), is currently unreliable on ia64: #718047)

Further breakage is always possible, and even probable in the buildds
of some architectures lately, or that's my recent experience anyway.

As for the 99->100, I meant in previous emails to fix the FTBFS bug
with the current source in unstable, not even updating to 3.2.0 /
SOVERSION 100.  Doing otherwise means that the packages goes through
the NEW queue and this is delayed for weeks/months typically.

But maybe Alberto (who follows closely upstream) will have more
information or other opinion, or maybe 3.2.1 is released as we discuss
it.  We will discuss it and come up with a plan.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <manuel.montezelo@gmail.com>

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