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Bug#706798: where is OpenSceneGraph 3.2 status?

It doesn't look to me that a transition was coordinated for openscenegraph?
Exactly my point: it's a transition in the sense of "API-breaking change", but not one with an official tracker.

(possibly temporary) [openscenegraph] build issue on mips,
That *is* #720816 (and hence should go away in 3.2.0): mips built libav9 before openscenegraph.
Fix in delayed queue (#720783).
vxl [on ia64].
Should be fixable by removing --as-needed, as suggested above.
spek [on s390x],
This build failure looks like a bash crash, not an error in spek itself. Try again??
Fixed in 2.4, but that breaks frei0r and sikuli (http://release.debian.org/transitions/html/opencv2.4.html). frei0r (#724186) looks like a build script bug, sikuli probably just needs to be built somewhere with a working jython (which sid currently isn't due to another unofficial transition, #724713: try to fix that, or use testing-proposed-updates as in http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=712615#45 ?).
#722610.  Sorry, no fix yet...
* #719376 osgearth
* #718381 / #719388 openwalnut

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