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Bug#708350: transition: java7

Package: release.debian.org
Severity: normal
User: release.debian.org@packages.debian.org
Usertags: transition

jessie won't ship anymore with OpenJDK 6, so we have to build and run using
OpenJDK 7.  The good thing is that almost everything will continue to run,  we
just have to fix build failures with OpenJDK 7.  See [1] for the discussion of
the transition, and [2] for the list of issues which need to get addressed.

Planning to do the transition in two steps:

 - Change the jre/jdk defaults to OpenJDK 7 from OpenJDK 6 which do have
   a working OpenJDK 7.  Keep OpenJDK 6 as the default for architectures
   with a non-working OpenJDK 7.  This decouples the transition from having
   to change build dependencies in packages building bindings.
   From my point of view this can happen anytime soon, and is mostly
   independent from other transitions.

 - When done, drop java support for architectures not having OpenJDK 7
   anymore (mips, mipsel, maybe s390).  Nothing needs to be done if
   these architectures don't qualify as release architectures anymore.


[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2013/05/msg00020.html

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