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Bug#704833: marked as done ((pre-approval) unblock: virtuoso-opensource/6.1.4+dfsg1-7)

Your message dated Tue, 14 May 2013 04:18:20 +0000
with message-id <E1Uc6gu-0006HM-SI@franck.debian.org>
and subject line Bug#704833: fixed in mozc 1.6.1187.102-1~exp3
has caused the Debian Bug report #704833,
regarding (pre-approval) unblock: virtuoso-opensource/6.1.4+dfsg1-7
to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what this
message is talking about, this may indicate a serious mail system
misconfiguration somewhere. Please contact owner@bugs.debian.org

704833: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=704833
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner@bugs.debian.org with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Package: release.debian.org
Severity: normal
User: release.debian.org@packages.debian.org
Usertags: unblock

Please unblock package virtuoso-opensource

Hi Release-Team!

We, the Qt/KDE team, would like you to check if the following changes
are within what you are expecting for getting an unblock.

The most important stuff was solving RC #704521 [2], but while looking at it I
found other issues. The complete list of changes in the init script is:

* I removed "set -e" from the script because (according to a footnote in
policy [1]) lsb/init-functions is incompatible with that option.
Furthermore, even the script itself did not deal with that option
correctly, e.g., a non-0 exit code from start-stop-daemon would have
terminated the script without proper logging. This also allowed for
simplification where the $errcode was used previously.

* The RC bug about stopping the daemon [2] is fixed in the stop_server
function by using start-stop-daemon with a proper --retry argument,
instead of killproc. The script has two modes of operation (one to use
root, one with a dedicated user for the daemon), hence there are two
branches in stop_server - I did not simplify this to keep the diff smaller.

* The script used to INT the server due to [3], but according to
upstream documentation [4] TERM should be used in rc.d scripts, so
that's what it does now.

* I removed reload_server and the reload directive because virtuoso does
not support reloading (it used to print an error there, and then exit 0).

* I removed force-stop since (a) it's not mandated or even recommended
by anything (b) stop itself will already use KILL if TERM does not work
and (c) it essentially just duplicated the retry-functionality of
start-stop-daemon, but with way too long delays (60s).

* The changes for the restart directive ensure that the script handles
failure to stop the server appropriately. They also remove the 60s-delay
between stop and start (which is no longer needed now that stop_daemon
properly waits for virtuoso to quit).

[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/footnotes.html#f81
[2] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=704521
[3] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=632060
[4] http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/signalsandexitcodes.html

 changelog                    |   15 ++++
 control                      |    5 -
 virtuoso-opensource-6.1.init |  131
 3 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

Kind regards,
Ralf Jung
Debian Qt/KDE team

unblock virtuoso-opensource/6.1.4+dfsg1-7

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 7.0
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (990, 'testing'), (100, 'unstable')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Foreign Architectures: i386

Kernel: Linux 3.8.6 (SMP w/4 CPU cores)
diff -Nru virtuoso-opensource-6.1.4+dfsg1/debian/changelog virtuoso-opensource-6.1.4+dfsg1/debian/changelog
--- virtuoso-opensource-6.1.4+dfsg1/debian/changelog	2013-02-25 09:49:36.000000000 -0300
+++ virtuoso-opensource-6.1.4+dfsg1/debian/changelog	2013-04-06 10:29:22.000000000 -0300
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+virtuoso-opensource (6.1.4+dfsg1-7) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  [ Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer ]
+  * Add Sune and myself to Uploaders.
+  [ Ralf Jung ]
+  * init script: Use start-stop-daemon (Closes: 704521)
+  * init script: Do not use "set -e", that's incompatible with
+    lsb/init-scripts
+  * init script: Stop attemtping to restart when stopping failed
+  * Change maintainer to Debian Krap team
+  * Remove obsolete DM-Upload-Allowed
+ -- Debian Krap Maintainers <debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org>  Thu, 04 Apr 2013 17:04:31 +0200
 virtuoso-opensource (6.1.4+dfsg1-6) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add safer-timeout.patch, avoids random FTBFS'es. These random FTBFS'es
diff -Nru virtuoso-opensource-6.1.4+dfsg1/debian/control virtuoso-opensource-6.1.4+dfsg1/debian/control
--- virtuoso-opensource-6.1.4+dfsg1/debian/control	2013-02-02 01:57:32.000000000 -0300
+++ virtuoso-opensource-6.1.4+dfsg1/debian/control	2013-04-06 10:29:22.000000000 -0300
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
 Source: virtuoso-opensource
 Section: database
 Priority: optional
-Maintainer: José Manuel Santamaría Lema <panfaust@gmail.com>
-DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
+Maintainer: Debian Krap Maintainers <debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Lisandro Damian Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org>,
+ Sune Vuorela <sune@debian.org>
 Standards-Version: 3.9.3
 Homepage: http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/
 Vcs-Browser: https://alioth.debian.org/plugins/scmgit/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=pkg-virtuoso/pkg-virtuoso.git
diff -Nru virtuoso-opensource-6.1.4+dfsg1/debian/virtuoso-opensource-6.1.init virtuoso-opensource-6.1.4+dfsg1/debian/virtuoso-opensource-6.1.init
--- virtuoso-opensource-6.1.4+dfsg1/debian/virtuoso-opensource-6.1.init	2013-01-21 22:45:48.000000000 -0300
+++ virtuoso-opensource-6.1.4+dfsg1/debian/virtuoso-opensource-6.1.init	2013-04-06 10:28:46.000000000 -0300
@@ -54,11 +54,6 @@
 # at /etc/default/$NAME
 DAEMON_OPTS=""          # Additional options given to the server
-DIETIME=60              # Time to wait for the server to die, in seconds
-                        # If this value is set too low you might not
-                        # let some servers to die gracefully and
-                        # 'restart' will not work
 STARTTIME=1             # Time to wait for the server to start, in seconds
                         # If this value is set each time the server is
                         # started (on start or restart) the script will
@@ -97,9 +92,6 @@
-set -e
 running_pid() {
 # Check if a given process pid's cmdline matches a given name
@@ -129,63 +121,35 @@
             start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
                         --user `id -un` \
                         --chdir $DBPATH --exec $DAEMON \
-                        -- $DAEMON_OPTS
-            errcode=$?
+                        -- $DAEMON_OPTS || return $?
 # if we are using a daemonuser then change the user id
             start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
                         --user $DAEMONUSER --chuid $DAEMONUSER \
                         --chdir $DBPATH --exec $DAEMON \
-                        -- $DAEMON_OPTS
-            errcode=$?
+                        -- $DAEMON_OPTS || return $?
         # Write the pid file using the process id from virtuoso.lck
         sed 's/VIRT_PID=//' $DBPATH/$SHORTNAME.lck > $PIDFILE
-        return $errcode
+        return 0
 stop_server() {
+# http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/signalsandexitcodes.html says TERM should be used by rc.d scripts, so we do
 # Stop the process using the wrapper
         if [ -z "$DAEMONUSER" ] ; then
-            killproc -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON -INT
-            errcode=$?
+            start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 --pidfile $PIDFILE \
+                        --user `id -un` \
+                        --exec $DAEMON || return $?
 # if we are using a daemonuser then look for process that match
-            start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE \
+            start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 --pidfile $PIDFILE \
                         --user $DAEMONUSER \
-                        --exec $DAEMON
-            errcode=$?
+                        --exec $DAEMON || return $?
         rm -f $PIDFILE
-        return $errcode
-reload_server() {
-    [ ! -f "$PIDFILE" ] && return 1
-    pid=pidofproc $PIDFILE # This is the daemon's pid
-    # Send a SIGHUP
-    kill -1 $pid
-    return $?
-force_stop() {
-# Force the process to die killing it manually
-    [ ! -e "$PIDFILE" ] && return
-    if running ; then
-        kill -15 $pid
-        # Is it really dead?
-        sleep "$DIETIME"s
-        if running ; then
-            kill -9 $pid
-            sleep "$DIETIME"s
-            if running ; then
-                echo "Cannot kill $NAME (pid=$pid)!"
-                exit 1
-            fi
-        fi
-    fi
-    rm -f $PIDFILE
+        return 0
@@ -219,9 +183,8 @@
         log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
         if running ; then
             # Only stop the server if we see it running
-            errcode=0
-            stop_server || errcode=$?
-            log_end_msg $errcode
+            stop_server
+            log_end_msg $?
             # If it's not running don't do anything
             log_progress_msg "apparently not running"
@@ -229,30 +192,28 @@
             exit 0
-  force-stop)
-        # First try to stop gracefully the program
-        $0 stop
-        if running; then
-            # If it's still running try to kill it more forcefully
-            log_daemon_msg "Stopping (force) $DESC" "$NAME"
-            errcode=0
-            force_stop || errcode=$?
-            log_end_msg $errcode
-        fi
-        ;;
         log_daemon_msg "Restarting $DESC" "$NAME"
-        errcode=0
-        stop_server || errcode=$?
-        # Wait some sensible amount, some server need this
-        [ -n "$DIETIME" ] && sleep $DIETIME
-        start_server || errcode=$?
-        [ -n "$STARTTIME" ] && sleep $STARTTIME
-        running || errcode=$?
-        log_end_msg $errcode
+        stop_server
+        case "$?" in
+        0|1)
+            start_server
+            case "$?" in
+                0) [ -n "$STARTTIME" ] && sleep $STARTTIME # Wait some time
+                    running # check if it still runs
+                    log_end_msg $?
+                    ;;
+                1) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Old process is still running
+                *) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Failed to start
+            esac
+            ;;
+        *)
+            # Failed to stop
+            log_end_msg 1
+            ;;
+        esac
         log_daemon_msg "Checking status of $DESC" "$NAME"
         if running ;  then
             log_progress_msg "running"
@@ -263,39 +224,9 @@
             exit 1
-  # Use this if the daemon cannot reload
-  reload)
-        log_warning_msg "Reloading $NAME daemon: not implemented, as the daemon"
-        log_warning_msg "cannot re-read the config file (use restart)."
-        ;;
-  # And this if it cann
-  #reload)
-          #
-          # If the daemon can reload its config files on the fly
-          # for example by sending it SIGHUP, do it here.
-          #
-          # If the daemon responds to changes in its config file
-          # directly anyway, make this a do-nothing entry.
-          #
-          # log_daemon_msg "Reloading $DESC configuration files" "$NAME"
-          # if running ; then
-          #    reload_server
-          #    if ! running ;  then
-          # Process died after we tried to reload
-          #       log_progress_msg "died on reload"
-          #       log_end_msg 1
-          #       exit 1
-          #    fi
-          # else
-          #    log_progress_msg "server is not running"
-          #    log_end_msg 1
-          #    exit 1
-          # fi
-                                                                                    #;;
-        echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|force-stop|restart|force-reload|status}" >&2
+        echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status}" >&2
         exit 1

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Source: mozc
Source-Version: 1.6.1187.102-1~exp3

We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of
mozc, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive.

A summary of the changes between this version and the previous one is

Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed.  If you
have further comments please address them to 704833@bugs.debian.org,
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.

Debian distribution maintenance software
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <iwamatsu@debian.org> (supplier of updated mozc package)

(This message was generated automatically at their request; if you
believe that there is a problem with it please contact the archive
administrators by mailing ftpmaster@debian.org)

Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2013 07:42:04 +0900
Source: mozc
Binary: mozc-data ibus-mozc uim-mozc fcitx-mozc emacs-mozc emacs-mozc-bin mozc-server mozc-utils-gui
Architecture: source all amd64
Version: 1.6.1187.102-1~exp3
Distribution: experimental
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <iwamatsu@debian.org>
Changed-By: Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <iwamatsu@debian.org>
 emacs-mozc - Mozc for Emacs
 emacs-mozc-bin - Helper module for emacs-mozc
 fcitx-mozc - Mozc engine for fcitx - Client of the Mozc input method
 ibus-mozc  - Mozc engine for IBus - Client of the Mozc input method
 mozc-data  - Mozc input method - data files
 mozc-server - Server of the Mozc input method
 mozc-utils-gui - GUI utilities of the Mozc input method
 uim-mozc   - Mozc engine for uim - Client of the Mozc input method
Closes: 704831 704832 704833
 mozc (1.6.1187.102-1~exp3) experimental; urgency=low
   * Update debian/rules.
     - Add and fix install path of mo file for fcitx-mozc. (Closes: #704833)
     - Remove '--channel_dev=0' option from build option. (Closes: #704831)
   * Update debian/control.
     Add mozc-data to tegaki-zinnia-japanese to Depends and add
     mozc-utils-gui to Recommends. (Closes: #704832)
   * Update patches/uim-mozc.patch (macuim r323).
 61f93c646dadd78f403b020cb7b37c6b4af70d35 2506 mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3.dsc
 15b72aa3b3f8c6a0df388f70db461683bfccee5a 61559 mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3.debian.tar.gz
 cd7a42f97bcef00eb0619ed1f14e27ed02859577 14776 mozc-data_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_all.deb
 5f07947b5a05fc076f962841b8a797bda4f46dbf 304836 ibus-mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 216562732de5c2f2cad2cbf56c53ba2cf8ffc1b1 303736 uim-mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 00e5335d138dca68bbc5d4d2162a1ffa134bc00e 345654 fcitx-mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 a0bf007795fc4455ddc703639c03bb7a0ec85dd0 29468 emacs-mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 c472230352ae1cd2e3a0406d8509c8e77d2d1663 246518 emacs-mozc-bin_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 fe9e340ea944b6a586ad2c7b92f05cf7d234ef71 14125556 mozc-server_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 a2963fe21c81ff23ab91a7002193aa9096b95962 1001414 mozc-utils-gui_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 9eb55663f1d94825907eb78853b86ecde271daa340a58cda8267041d9b915e56 2506 mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3.dsc
 eff681f9a48675f2ec6532a35ef154b9cf2032d4a1e3af09adbf0fe5d44359ac 61559 mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3.debian.tar.gz
 a5cff7953b2bf2c55eb0791f3147b0b812a02c7adf000b38f59ce986a0548e6e 14776 mozc-data_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_all.deb
 2f2472a69e71f9fdac3c35fd4b23b34251ee254acf0c5b465e965cb758c944ee 304836 ibus-mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 163ed39e9818ec75f352c2b7e14dd2c1a7ffbd0f463701f674e3f711dc82422a 303736 uim-mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 1e78617bbec63f6296152fafe0ec0f85c9bf27a7958273566e149d453fb2096b 345654 fcitx-mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 1a5c98be4e923b687000dca27d5cdf742ebce680b8c5875c8f1e1d2860f20bfe 29468 emacs-mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 69893eadd052acb2c4750952442d4047ec9042e5a07131178a3fdf00856f5b2e 246518 emacs-mozc-bin_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 95e6c3c96d5bf50b2443025d216122ecd5ce05a2b583178836e9aa29f7b7916b 14125556 mozc-server_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 34e757fa57f1aa84b4e7fcaff64f6021df2c9cba23228367f165b57a2f2e09a5 1001414 mozc-utils-gui_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 3a3a50c9194a9fcd608c8a2a7d4e5d1e 2506 utils optional mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3.dsc
 0495bc1c0f73ae01a79add389c37ad17 61559 utils optional mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3.debian.tar.gz
 0cd4d2138a95fd289ad974bf7601b0c6 14776 utils optional mozc-data_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_all.deb
 98f1faea179895306b4f33f1fd95d8b5 304836 utils optional ibus-mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 91670e97331b5b4d60602f6a80af1b63 303736 utils optional uim-mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 35de3b49eaf39fe22f0241250d4762e9 345654 utils optional fcitx-mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 91bbb9b2a6d8ef13a3d4b797056a469b 29468 utils optional emacs-mozc_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 cbdd3947ea433b4fe3ae693b4c6a89cf 246518 utils optional emacs-mozc-bin_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 2e972c9f4f7db634de29d4df609e8708 14125556 utils optional mozc-server_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb
 bfcbbeae2eb42fae5c7adc8f8e849b32 1001414 utils optional mozc-utils-gui_1.6.1187.102-1~exp3_amd64.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


--- End Message ---

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