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Bug#689698: closed by "Adam D. Barratt" <adam@adam-barratt.org.uk> (Re: Bug#689698: please unblock gupnp stack)

> The diffs didn't turn out to be that big once a lot of the noise is
> filtered out. I've argued with myself a lot over this, but have finally
> settled on the side on unblocking the packages to get the
> interoperability fixes; I hope we don't end up with that being an issue
> in future.

Thanks for looking at it again.

> (On the subject of the future, presumably these sort of issues are
> likely to come up during wheezy's stable lifetime as well?)

You never know about the future, but as far as I'm aware no major
problems has been identified since .... while at the same time
multiple certification has been approved.
Hopefully this means what we're going to ship will be in a pretty good shape!

> Regards,
> Adam

Andreas Henriksson

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