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Bug#681387: unblock: resiprocate

Package: release.debian.org
Severity: normal

Short summary of request: please give authorization to
a) upload resiprocate 1.8.4-1 source package to unstable
b) for unblocking 1.8.4-1 to wheezy

Long summary:

- I am both upstream and package maintainer

- wheezy currently has 1.8.2

- 1.8.3 and 1.8.4 were created from a stable branch upstream, only
including essential fixes

- test cases are part of the upstream project - these test cases have
been run by myself on Debian for the 1.8.4 tarball

- the Debian source package only includes a trivial fix for a non-RC bug
in postrm

- this is a new package, it has only been in the archive for about 2
months - there are currently no other packages in the archive which
depend on resiprocate (no other package will fail because of this change)

- one of the changes in 1.8.3 corrects an issue in the binary package
sipdialer: without the fix, users will have to create per-home-directory
config files in the old/broken format, and will have to manually change
their per-home-directory config files whenever they upgrade from wheezy
-> wheezy+1  (this is only for sipdialer.deb - does not impact any of
the other binary packages)

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