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Re: Pre-approval request for upload of shorewall-* packages

On 03/07/12 02:49, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
Release Managers,

I am writing to request approval to upload [shorewall-init,
shorewall-core, shorewall, shorewall6, shorewall-lite, shorewall6-lite]
into unstable.  The upload is a point release by upstream.  The bulk of
the diff is updates to the version number in numerous places in each
package.  The reason for all 6 packages being part of the request is
that upstream maintains each Shorewall component as a separate package,
but they are all always released in sync (and they need to stay in sync
when uploaded, for example).

Why do they _need_ to stay in sync apart the fact that upstream wants that? are there any checks performed?

Please see the attached debdiff for the proposed changes.

The debdiffs look okay.


Mehdi Dogguy مهدي الدڤي

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