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Re: Alpha version of xz-utils in wheezy?

Andrew Pollock dixit:

>I just noticed that the version of xz-utils in wheezy is

OK, you’ve just proven me wrong that nobody’d notice that.

>So it sounds like this version is probably better suited in experimental,
>and not unstable and testing. 5.0.3 is what wheezy should release with,

We had just a discussion about this on the list. We can’t go back,
*especially* not so short before the freeze, but what we have appears
sufficiently stable enough, as the unstable things were patched out,
and those things that are in the current package but not in upstream
5.0.x will be kept stable by upstream. (Unless I misunderstood.)

Ok Jonathan, put it into the package long description ☺

13:37⎜«Natureshadow» Deep inside, I hate mirabilos. I mean, he's a good
guy. But he's always right! In every fsckin' situation, he's right. Even
with his deeply perverted taste in software and borked ambition towards
broken OSes - in the end, he's damn right about it :(! […] works in mksh

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