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Re: Bug#645881: critical update 29 available

Hi Moritz, hi all,

On Thu, Dec 08, 2011 at 08:43:06PM +0100, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:
> Since openjdk-6 is fixed now, now would be a good time to remove
> sun-java6 from stable in the next point update?

sorry, but I'd rather like to have an announcement that it has a bug,
describing its impact to the users, which is not going to be fixed
than for it to tbe removed.  I know it's not your fault but it even
took ages to get openjdk-6 fixed, for something which you claim to be
a high profile bug, so I'm not sure it's really that critical.

non-free doesn't get security support and there are people relying on
it anyway because they have no choice in squeeze.  I'd be ok with a
debconf note upon install, for example.  But squeeze is supposed to be
frozen unless for packages, which are so broken that they don't work
anymore and where fixing them is either impossible because the patches
would be way to intrusive or because the (possibly former) maintainer
dropped the ball.

sun-java6 is sadly still a very high profile package.  I won't go and
break all those installations which force sun-java6 over openjdk-6
locally, either in unattended installations or through other means.

openjdk-6 might well be a viable replacement in wheezy, but there are no
efforts to backport those compatibility patches that might be in newer

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

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