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Re: What should we do with iceweasel/xulrunner/libmozjs?

Le vendredi 13 mai 2011 à 09:19 +0200, Mike Hommey a écrit : 
> However, by the time wheezy is released, Firefox will have had several
> new releases. And the current embedding API (gtkembedmoz) has already been
> removed from Firefox 5.0, coming in a few weeks. We're obviously not
> going to maintain xulrunner 1.9.1 or 1.9.2 forever, so at some point,
> things relying on gtkembedmoz will have to either contribute to mozilla
> to get a new embedding API that works better for them (it would be about
> time), or die. Waiting for that to happen, the only solution forward is
> IMHO to remove packages using gtkembedmoz.


> Packages relying on xulrunner-dev to build plugins should still be fine,
> though. As for libmozjs, the API is a fast moving target, and AFAIK,
> only a few packages such as gjs are following the trend. Others should
> probably die too.

As for libmozjs, GNOME has 2 reverse deps: gjs and libproxy. 

There has been talk to remove gjs from GNOME and focus on seed, I think
it will happen around GNOME 3.4 - in time for wheezy, but we need to
keep it working in the meantime.

As for libproxy, we’re waiting for JSCore to be split out of webkit -
this has happened in git master already. Once this is done, we can make
JSCore a hard dependency for libproxy and remove spidermonkey support.

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'

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