Bug#614726: FFmpeg 0.6 transition
On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 14:29:33 +0100, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> Hi,
> First of all, congratulations on the release!
> FYI: I just accepted mehdis offer from debconf 10 to upload ffmpeg just
> after the squeeze release. I've got a lot of pings and flames that this
> wasn't included in squeeze, we discussed this to death in NYC, and
> therefore just went ahead.
Reverse-dependencies of libavutil49 left in testing at this point:
- audacious-plugins/mips (stuck behind a libmowgli SONAME bump)
- mlt (bumped SONAME twice since the release)
- mrpt (g++ goes out of virtual memory on s390)
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