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Bug#598835: unblock: mina2/2.0.0+dfsg-1

Hi Adam,

On Tue, 05 Oct 2010 21:31:41 +0100, "Adam D. Barratt"
> Why are there a bunch of ".releaseBackup" files in the source package?

Those files are created by upstream release tool (maven-release-plugin
update each pom.xml to increase version just before creating
final tarballs). You can safely ignore them.

> Even ignoring those, the diffstat against the RC1 package is
>  136 files changed, 3004 insertions(+), 1713 deletions(-)
> which is still quite large for an update at this stage of the freeze.

Yes, I know :/
RC1 was released before 2009-10-20 and upstream haven't made any release
since then...
So 2.0.0 final release include many bugfixes (ie. one year of bugfixes

>>    * Enable rxtx support:
>>      - d/control: Add Build-Depends on librxtx-java.
>>      - d/build.xml: Enable build of transport-serial module.
>>      - d/rules: Include RXTXcomm.jar in classpath.
> Why was this support not enabled earlier?  New dependencies and features
> aren't really appropriate at this stage.

rxtx feature was not really stable in mina RC1 release, so it was
I've re-enabled it for 2.0 as I've successfully tested it locally.

If this is too much for squeeze, I can disable this rxtx support again as
reverse-depends of mina2 doesn't use this feature.
(being maintainer of red5, I can guarantee it work great with mina2 2.0.0)

Damien - Debian Developper

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