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Bug#598874: unblock: deskbar-applet/2.32.0-1

On 10/03/2010 10:55 AM, Josselin Mouette wrote:
Le dimanche 03 octobre 2010 à 09:38 +0100, Adam D. Barratt a écrit :
ChangeLog                              |17682 ---------------------------------

The diff mentions that this was renamed to ChangeLog.pre-git and
generated at release time, but neither of the files appears to be
present in either the source or binary package.

Yeah, I keep pestering GNOME upstreams about this, but they don’t seem
to care about changelogs since the git migration.

I can generate one from git, although git log has the tendency to
generate huge (1M gzipped for epiphany-browser) and unreadable
changelogs. Do you want me to add it? Obviously this will be a
maintenance nightmare until upstream ships it again in the tarball.

Very stupid/naive question: even with `git log --pretty="%h [%an] %s"`?


Mehdi Dogguy مهدي الدڤي

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