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migration hints for security fixes


Please hint the following packages, they fix security issues:

age-days 5 clamav/0.96+dfsg-4
age-days 7 gnome-orca/2.30.0-2
age-days 5 opendchub/0.8.2-2
age-days 7 vlc/1.0.6-1

There's also squid that fixes some issues but apparently the amd64 build was 
built on a buildd without ipv6 support that in turn was propagated to the 
built package. The maintainers seem to be working on it, but a quick 
workaround in the meantime would  be to nmu it on a buildd that has IPv6 

ncpfs's FTBFS on ia64 seems a bit weird so in case there are some spare cycles 
it might be worth giving it back before filing the br.

Thanks in advance.

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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