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Re: transition: proposal libpt2.6.5->libpt2.6.6 & libopal3.6.6->libopal3.6.7

On 24/04/10 11:39 PM, Josselin Mouette wrote:
Le samedi 24 avril 2010 à 21:43 +1000, Craig Southeren a écrit :
As for having a more stable ABI, one of the ways to achieve it would be
to provide a modular C API (maybe GObject-based) on top of the C++ one,
maybe with a restricted set of low-level features. Easier said than
done, of course.
We already have such an interface. See

In which case, how about splitting it in a separate library? This would
avoid having to rebuild programs using this interface when the C++
interface changes.

That sounds like a good idea.

Could you do me a favour and add this request to Opal feature tracker so we don't forget about it?




 Craig Southeren          Post Increment ñ VoIP Consulting and Software
 craigs@postincrement.com.au                   www.postincrement.com.au

 Phone:  +61 243654666      ICQ: #86852844
 Fax:    +61 243656905      MSN: craig_southeren@hotmail.com
 Mobile: +61 417231046      Jabber: craigs@jabber.org

 "Science is the poetry of reality." Richard Dawkins

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