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unblock krb5 1.8.3+dfsg-1 for 596678

I'd like to request that krb5 1.8.3+dfsg-1 be unblocked.
krb5 (1.8.3+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New Upstream release; only change is version bump from beta1 to final 
  * Bring back a libkrb53 oldlibs package. Note that this is technically a
    policy violation because it doesn't provide libdes425.so.3 or
    libkrb4.so.2 and thus provides a different ABI. However, some
    packages, such as postgres8.4 require the lenny version to be present
    for the squeeze transition, so we cannot force the removal of
    libkrb53's reverse dependencies. We can conflict or break with lenny
    packages that will not work with this libkrb53, but we may break
    out-of-archive packages without notice. Absent someone coming up with
    a patch to the modern libk5crypto-3 that allows it to work with the
    lenny libkrb53 (a weekend's worth of work proved this would be quite
    difficult), this is the best solution we've come up with, Closes: #596678

 -- Sam Hartman <hartmans@debian.org>  Sun, 19 Sep 2010 14:59:46 -0400

krb5 (1.8.3+dfsg~beta1-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Remove documentation that has moved to the krb5-appl package and is
    not shipped upstream from Debian diff

 -- Sam Hartman <hartmans@debian.org>  Tue, 10 Aug 2010 15:33:15 -0400

The change to the new upstream version really is absolutely nothing:
git diff --numstat upstream/1.8.3.beta1+dfsg..upstream/1.8.3+dfsg |cat
15	3	doc/CHANGES
1	1	doc/admin-guide.ps
432	437	doc/install-guide.ps
13	13	doc/user-guide.ps
10	10	src/configure
3	3	src/patchlevel.h

I'll admit that the doc removal change in 1.8.3+dfsg~beta1-2 is bigger
than I'd normally make post-freeze.  I didn't realize it wasn't already
in unstable when I uploaded.  The change involved removing some docs
that were removed from upstream in the 1.7 release.  I'm not sure how
those docs ended up in the Debian diff instead of being dropped, but the
code they document is not in 1.8.  If you would rather I can bring the
docs back, although the package is more correct without them since the
code was already removed.

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