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Please allow "hello" and "hello-debhelper" in testing


I'd like to see hello_2.6-1 and hello-debhelper_2.6-2 in squeeze.

The main reason is that they are example packages, so it's
"highly desirable" that they are in 3.0 (quilt) source format.

The other changes are minor updates. I've also updated to the latest
upstream release because, well, "hello" releases tend to be very
stable, but also because there are not really code changes in the
program itself, just updates in the build system, as shown by the
upstream "NEWS" file:

Version 2.6 (7 April 2010)
* Distribution:
  . make distribution of .tar.xz as well as .tar.gz.
  . gettext 0.17
  . gnulib updates.
  . use gnulib's srclist-update to keep other common files in sync.
  . updated translations.

This is the Debian changelog for hello:

hello (2.6-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Drop unused INSTALL_PROGRAM stuff.
  * Switch to 3.0 (quilt) source format.
  * Standards-Version: 3.9.1 (no special changes for this).

 -- Santiago Vila <sanvila@debian.org>  Fri, 06 Aug 2010 22:04:02 +0200

And this is the one for hello-debhelper:

hello-debhelper (2.6-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Use debhelper compatibility level 8, the new recommended mode.

 -- Santiago Vila <sanvila@debian.org>  Wed, 18 Aug 2010 16:20:38 +0200

hello-debhelper (2.6-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Switch to 3.0 (quilt) source format. Closes: #574878.
  * Added a note to debian/rules about the new dh syntax.
  * Standards-Version: 3.9.1 (no special changes for this).

 -- Santiago Vila <sanvila@debian.org>  Fri, 06 Aug 2010 22:05:00 +0200


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