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Bug#472377: scribble: uses obsolete version specification in conflicts

On 2008-03-23 Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> wrote:
> Package: scribble
> Version: 1.10-2

> scribble specifies:

> ] Replaces: scrabble (< 1.10)
> ] Conflicts: scrabble (< 1.10)

> These should be "<=", as per policy 7.1:

> ] The relations allowed are `<<', `<=', `=', `>=' and `>>' for strictly
> ] earlier, earlier or equal, exactly equal, later or equal and strictly
> ] later, respectively.  The deprecated forms `<' and `>' were used to
> ] mean earlier/later or equal, rather than strictly earlier/later, so they
> ] should not appear in new packages (though `dpkg' still supports them).


could we please get this fixed for squeeze? dpkg
introduced additional warnings that are triggered on every apt-get

Replacing available packages info, using /var/cache/apt/available.
warning, in file '/var/cache/apt/available' near line 621485 package 'scribble':
 `Replaces' field, reference to `scrabble':
 `<' is obsolete, use `<=' or `<<' instead
warning, in file '/var/cache/apt/available' near line 621486 package 'scribble':
 `Conflicts' field, reference to `scrabble':
 `<' is obsolete, use `<=' or `<<' instead
Information about 29960 package(s) was updated.

Afaiui dpkg is targeted for squeeze. I tend to think it might
be a good idea to save our users this error message by fixing

Cc-ing -release to get confirmation that a minimal fix would be
acceptable for sqeeze.

thanks, cu andreas

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