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Pyside and friends migration

Hi dear release team, 
(Piotr CC'ed, as he is my usual sponsor for those)

I would like to upload new upstream versions of PySide, which implies a
"transition" of the following source packages (SONAME bumps as indicated) :

   - apiextractor 0.7 (from 0.6)
   - generatorrunner 0.6 (from 0.5; build-depends on apiextractor 0.7)
   - shiboken 0.4 (from 0.3; build-depends on generatorrunner 0.6 and
apiextractor 0.7)
   - pyside 0.7 (from 0.6; build-depends on shiboken 0.4 and
generatorrunner 0.6)

None of those have other reverse Build-Depends than the ones listed above,
so that "transition" only implies sourceful uploads for those 4 packages,
without impacting any other package.

Furthermore, upstream hopes to have fixed #590302 and #590279 in order to
get PySide built on sparc (they don't have access to that hardware, neither
do I).

Finally, this SONAME bump "should" be the last one before their "1.0"
release, so it is IMHO a good thing to have this in testing right now.

Can I get those uploaded to unstable or should I rather target them to
experimental ?



P.S. All those packages (except pyside, which is quite long) have already
been built on amd64 and are ready to be uploaded : 

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