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liblzma transition


liblzma2 is now in unstable and built almost everywhere.

ABI changes necessitated changing its SONAME.  I don’t think the API
change touched any functions used by any package currently in Debian
(they are low-level routines for iterating over and examining the
records in an archive’s index), but the SONAME change should affect

Would it be safe to schedule the corresponding binNMUs?  The
relevant packages are:

 shogun: shogun-r, shogun-python, shogun-python-modular,
         shogun-octave, shogun-octave-modular, shogun-elwms,
         shogun-cmdline, libshogunui3, libshogun6
 rpm: lsb-rpm, librpmio0, librpm-dev
 python-lzma: python-lzma, python-lzma-dbg
 mupen64plus: mupen64plus, mupen64plus-dbg
 kde4libs: kdelibs5, kdelibs5-dev, kdelibs5-dbg, kdelibs-bin
 gtkwave: gtkwave
 fsarchiver: fsarchiver

Among these, kdelibs5 is an rdep for a significant number of other
packages (which would not need to be rebuilt, of course).

I look forward to your thoughts.


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