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Re: ode 0.11 transition

* Gonéri Le Bouder [Sun, 15 Mar 2009 00:13:58 +0100]:

> Hi,


> Can I upload libode 0.11 in unstable. It has a SO version with these

Yes, please upload.

> This package comes with libode-dev which provide libode0-dev. I'll
> ask for binNMU against those packges when it'll be in unstable.

Great. You’ll have to file a bug against pyode, since it has a versioned

Please let us know when you have uploaded.

* Vincent Bernat [Sun, 15 Mar 2009 09:40:15 +0100]:

>>  python-soya

> There is a version in unstable  and one in experimental. Once you upload
> new ode, I will upload the experimental version to unstable.

Okay. You will have to adjust the build-dependency to use libode-dev, or
libode-dev | libode0-dev (>= 0.7), or something to that effect.


- Are you sure we're good?
- Always.
        -- Rory and Lorelai

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