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Re: excuses.php is confused about ICU

"Adam D. Barratt" <adam@adam-barratt.org.uk> wrote:

> The BTS's version tracking is based on upload history as laid out in the
> package's changelog, not version nor date comparisons.  The changelog
> for icu 4.0.1-3 (unstable) included the entries for the 4.2-1 upload to
> experimental . . .

Okay, thanks for the explanation.  When I have interleaved versions
between unstable and experimental, I always put things in chronological
order in the newer version's ChangeLog so I eventually have an
unabridged, chronological history.  My habit of doing this was based on
a discussion on debian-devel years ago (maybe 2004 or 2005).  Perhaps
I'll switch to doing it based on version ordering instead if it will
make the right thing more likely to happen.

The full version diagram suggests that BTS is aware of the branches
created at stable releases but not necessarily unstable
vs. experimental.

"Adam D. Barratt" <adam@adam-barratt.org.uk> wrote:

> The simplest solution in this case is to mark the bug as fixed in
> 4.0.1-3 as well and then as found in 4.2.1~rc1-1.  It's not correct but
> will convince the BTS that 4.2.1 and 4.2.1~rc1-[12] contain the bug but
> 4.0.1-3 does not.

Makes sense, given the explanation.  I'll go ahead and do this.

> (For reference, "notfound" does not indicate to the BTS that a
> particular package version does not contain a bug; it removes the
> version from the explicit list of versions known to be affected, but
> the rules mentioned above regarding changelog ordering still apply).

Yes, I see that now.  Thanks!


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