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Re: Freeze exception for csound

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On Thu, Nov 06, 2008 at 03:37:48PM -0300, Felipe Sateler wrote:
>El 03/11/08 12:04 Andreas Barth escribió:

>> If any of your package fails to build, the makefile needs to notice 
>> that and stop the build process. If not, the packages is 
>> fundamentally broken. Besides of that, documentation is important.
>The problem would have consequences only if whoever uploads the package 
>doesn't have ghostscript installed: the documentation is only in an 
>arch:all package. However, I'm not sure we can correctly trap this sort 
>of error: doxygen isn't reporting them back to us.
>There are other errors ignored (pdflatex likes to return non-zero, 
>though non-fatal errors ocurred), but I don't know how to debug those 
>errors (doxygen->latex->pdf), and also the pdfs produced seem to be 

I noticed now that the packaging (not upstream) relax pdflatex errors to 
be non-fatal. I agree that is bad, and am now investigating if it can be 

Felipe: Let's discuss further if it is really sane to do so.

I believe there's no need to bother the release team with that 
discussion, but feel free to do so if you consider it helpful. :-)

  - Jonas

- -- 
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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