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Freeze exception: synergy

[Please CC.]

synergy (1.3.1-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Apply patch from Carlo Wood which fixes a crash in synergys
    with XCB.  Closes: #495498.

 -- Jeff Licquia <licquia@debian.org>  Sun, 07 Sep 2008 23:25:43 -0400

In a nutshell, synergys crashes for some people, with a lifetime of between a few hours and a few seconds. It is "important" because it makes the package unusable for some people.

The patch (apart from the changelog) is three lines. I have tested it, and it at least does not make synergys any worse. At least one bug submitter has reported that the patch completely fixes the problem.

The package has been uploaded to unstable, and seems to be making its way through the buildds OK. I have it installed on lenny, and it does not seem to pull anything in not in lenny.

Please unblock.

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