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freeze exception for unionfs-fuse

Dear release team,

I would like to ask you again to unblock unionfs-fuse. As I wrote in bug 
#495380 (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=495380) a user 
reported a serious copy-on-write bug on our mailing list. Since copy-on-write 
is one of the main features of unionfs-fuse it really should be fixed in 

Once I new about this problem, I immediately submitted a patch to the upstream 
repository and also used this patch in the debian package 
(http://hg.podgorny.cz/unionfs-fuse/rev/2be23aea75a0). I know, the patch is 
rather large, but it is well tested.

I would be glad if you could make an exception for unionfs-fuse and unblock 

Thanks in advance,

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