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Bogus Dep-Waits

All give backs due to bogus dep-waits that will never be satisfied
and that are not reflecting the actual build-dependencies of the

I can't guarantee that they will build though.

gb m-tx . mips sparc . -o
# dep-wait on libc6 (>= 2.7.11) should be corrected to
# dep-wait on libc6 (>= 2.7-11)
#gb cmake . hppa . -o
#gb multipath-tools . hppa . -o
# the following all dep-wait on libgcj7-1 which is
# superseeded by libcj8 and 9
# I suspect the arm packages will not actually build, but
# the dep-wait should be corrected something useful
gb libgconf-java . mips mipsel . -o
gb libglade-java . mips mipsel . -o
gb libvte-java . mips mipsel . -o
gb postgresql-pljava . arm . -o
gb trang . arm . -o
# dep-wait on libpetsc2.3.2-dev should be replaced with
# libpetsc2.3.3-dev
#gb libmesh . arm . -o
# the following two have auto-dep-waits on libcitadel-dev (>= 7.37)
# but libcitadel-dev has version number 1.14 which is enough to
# satisfy the actual build-dependencies
gb webcit . alpha arm m68k mips mipsel powerpc . -o
gb citadel . alpha arm m68k mips mipsel powerpc . -o

Frank Lichtenheld <djpig@debian.org>
www: http://www.djpig.de/

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