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Re: Upcoming xulrunner transition


* Mike Hommey (mh@glandium.org) [080607 09:08]:
> - I upload both iceweasel and xulrunner rc2 releases to unstable, after
>   I'm ready to upload them, and after you tell me I can go on, if my
>   network connection permits.

There is this comment from Matthias (doko) about xulrunner which will
help us with (not only) this transition:

| - either make the -dev and the -common packages architecture
|   dependant. ftp space is not the only thing to consider when
|   making a decision about arch/indep packages.
| - or loosen the dependencies; I hardly doubt that the dependencies
|   need to be as strict as they currently are. To loosen those the
|   package maintainer needs to monitor the upstream changes. This
|   is more effort, but can be done, e.g. GCC packaging is done in
|   a way to reduce dependencies and to ease transitions. It's more
|   effort in package maintainance, but helps overall.

I'd appreciate if you could do these changes - the first one shouldn't
be too complicated.

Provided this is done, uploading xulrunner to unstable is ok with the
release team. (And I hope that your network issues are fixed fast, or
you're in spite of them available in case any issues pop up - quite an
unfortunate timing.)

Thanks for waiting till now.


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