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Unblock request mpg321 ?


I have just done some pretty significant changes to mpg321 with a QA upload. Ideally it should probably get in to Lenny but I did bump the compat level to 5 as it was set at 2. It fixes several bugs in the package but I realize that is a no-no for release so if you don't want to unblock it I understand but the package has been severely unmaintained. It really probably should be removed but has fairly high popcon stats. Here is the changelog of the changes I made:

mpg321 ( unstable; urgency=low

 * QA upload.
   + Set maintainer to Debian QA Group <packages@qa.debian.org>.
 * Add large file support. (Closes: #152392).
   + Thanks to Clint Adams for the patch.
 * Avoid crashing on non mp3 files. (Closes: #458035).
   + Thanks to Justin Pryzby for the patch.
 * Don't scan file before playback. (Closes: #500102).
   + Thanks to Mikko Rapeli for the patch.
 * Don't leave dangling symlink. (Closes: #227713).
   + Thanks to Donggyoo Lee for the patch.
 * README.remote should use @P not @S. (Closes: #153596).
   + Add STOP comments.
 * Make AM_PATH_AO XIPH_PATH_AO in configure.ac.
 * Escape hyphens in manpage.
 * Bump debhelper build-dep to 5.
 * Move DH_COMPAT to debian/compat and set to 5.
 * Make distclean not ignore errors.
 * Bump Standards Version to 3.8.0.

-- Barry deFreese <bdefreese@debian.org>  Tue, 11 Nov 2008 14:25:12 -0500

Thank you,

Barry deFreese

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