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Please hint to unblock ttf-vlgothic (20081029-1)


If Hideki Yamane <henrich@debian.or.jp> does not object, I would like to
request to unblock ttf-vlgothic (20081029-1) font package.  Althought it
is marked as new upstream release, this is a font package and these
updates are limitted to character shape (gliph) data corrections and
adding missing fonts. (This is THE font to use for Japanese thus
important to have correct data.)

These data error and missing characters can have a major effect on the
usability of a package, without rendering it completely unusable to everyone.
Important bugs.

Since this is packages of priority: optional and can be fixes via
unstable, it fits within the freeze exception rule described in:

ttf-vlgothic (20081029-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release
    - vlgothic and vlpgothic
      + fix: "沈忱枕" characters bold issue
      + fix: "御換" characters
      + fix: U+2661,U+2662,U+2664,U+2667
      + add Latic glyphs from M+1P
      + add those characters
       - U+213B
       - U+25B4 to 25BB
       - U+25BE to 25C5
       - U+2660,U+2663,U+2665,U+2666,U+2668,U+2669,U+266B,U+266C,U+266E and
    - vlgothic
      + fix: "々"
      + add: U+3099,U+309A,U+25CC,U+2190 to U+2199,U+2126,U+2127 and U+213A

 -- Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP) <henrich@debian.or.jp>  Sat, 01 Nov 2008 23:20:00 +0900


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