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Freeze exception for Wine 1.0.1?

A couple of days ago, I uploaded Wine 1.0.1 to unstable. Although 1.0.1 was released by upstream, this is a maintenance release with only minor bugfixes, there were no significant changes. (Significant changes and major bugfixes currently happen in the 1.1.x series, not 1.0.x. Any 1.0.x fixes have, in addition to being minor, obviously also received testing upstream before being applied to the stable branch.)

I therefore feel this can justifiably be allowed into testing, presumably after the usual 10-day period of being in unstable. This would result in a more stable Wine once lenny is finally released.

(For the record, I've kept the 1.1.x releases out of unstable for the time being; they're currently only available in experimental.)

The Debian changelog is

 wine (1.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release 1.0.1, released Oct 17, 2008.
     - This is a maintenance release from the 1.0 stable branch.
       It contains only translation updates and small bug fixes.
   * Recommend ttf-liberation, and changed msttcorefonts suggestion to
     ttf-mscorefonts-installer. Closes: #490861.
   * Removed application/x-zip-compressed from wine.desktop.
     Closes: #452957.
   * Updated build scripts for lenny branch.

(The last entry is just a change of git branch in a couple of maintainer-only scripts, and does not affect the actual packaging at all.)

If you want, you can see the list of upstream changes at http://www.winehq.org/?announce=1.0.1

Thank you for considering this.

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