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Please unblock mono 1.9.1+dfsg-4


mono 1.9.1+dfsg-4 was uploaded to unstable and is built on all archs.

It includes 2 CVE fixes and 2 important backports taken from
upstream. Here the full changelog of it:

 mono (1.9.1+dfsg-4) unstable; urgency=high
   [ Mirco Bauer ]
   * Added lpia to Architecture fields.
     (to make Jo Shields more happy)
   * debian/fix_Assembly.LoadFrom_deadlock.dpatch:
     + Fixes deadlock in loading assemblies code like Assembly.LoadFrom(),
       causing deadlocks (mostly) on SMP systems.
       (patches taken from upstream SVN revisions: r105036, r105153, r113458,
        r115451 and r115697)
   [ Jo Shields ]
   * Add myself to Uploaders
   * debian/patches/fix_sloppy_attribute_encode_CVE-2008-3422.dpatch:
     + Fixes CVE-2008-3422, thus urgency set to high (Closes: #494406)
   * debian/patches/fix_CRLF_injection_CVE-2008-3906.dpatch:
     + Fixes CVE-2008-3906, thus urgency set to high (Closes: #498894)
   * debian/patches/fix_IsolatedStorage_regression_r99231_r101171_r101172.dpatch:
     + Fix regression in IsolatedStorage behaviour causing exceptions
       with subdirectories (Closes: #501505)
   * debian/patches/fix_mono-config_man_page_r111681.dpatch:
     + Fix minor manpage typo (Closes: #495624)
   * debian/control:
     + Tweak description of mono-xbuild package (Closes: #493478)
   * debian/man/*:
     + Update default manpage to point to correct URL for documentation
       (Closes: #500771)



Mirco 'meebey' Bauer

PGP-Key ID: 0xEEF946C8

FOSS Developer    meebey@meebey.net  http://www.meebey.net/
PEAR Developer    meebey@php.net     http://pear.php.net/
Debian Developer  meebey@debian.org  http://www.debian.org/

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