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unfreeze reqests - dvbstream dvbtune gnugk icecc-monitor kipi-plugins mailody gsmlib


Could I ask you to consider an unfreeze request for the following packages:


dvbstream (0.6+cvs20060501-6) unstable; urgency=low 
   * Update debian/watch - fixes debian-watch-file-missing-version
     - debian/watch fails to report upstream's version (Closes: #449818)
   * Add debian/compat - fixes debian-rules-sets-DH_COMPAT
   * Update debian/dvbstream.1 - fixes hyphen-used-as-minus-sign
   * Update debian/dirs - fixes package-contains-empty-directory
   * Add Homepage: to debian/control

dvbtune (0.5-12) unstable; urgency=low 
   * Update debian/watch - fixes debian-watch-file-missing-version
     - debian/watch fails to report upstream's version (Closes: #449791)
   * Add debin/compat - fixes debian-rules-sets-DH_COMPAT
   * Update debian/copyright - fixes copyright-without-copyright-notice
   * Update -tone in dvbtune.sgml
     - (Closes: #403679: dvbtune: Error in manpage (incorrect option)!!
   * Add Homepage: to debian/control

 gnugk (2:2.2.7-3-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Re-enable SRV support that was disabled due to an upstream bug.
     Thanks to MESZAROS Mihaly. (Closes: #501030)

 icecc-monitor (1.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Update debian/copyright - fixes copyright-file-contains-full-gfdl-
   * Add Homepage: - fixes description-contains-homepage
   * Update to Standards: 3.8.0 - no changes necessary

 kipi-plugins (0.1.5-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add lintian-overrides - libkipiplugins not real lib
   * Switch to simple-patchsys.mk & sf-get-source.mk
   * Update 50_images2mpg_default_bin_folder.diff
     - [kipi-plugins] images2mpg not posix compatible but only depends on
     /bin/sh (Closes: #499713)
   * Add 40_kdesvn853437_PicasaWebExport.patch
     - kipi plugins - picasa bug (Closes: #497232) & (LP:#247841)
   * Add Suggests: vorbis-tools - needed for images2mpg (LP:#227716)

 mailody (0.5.0-5) unstable; urgency=low
   * Update debian/control: fixes description-contains-homepage
   * Update debian/control: fixes xs-vcs-header-in-debian-control
   * iconv debian/copyright - fixes debian-copyright-file-uses-
   * Remove .desktop encoding key - fixes desktop-entry-contains-encoding-key
   * Update to Standards version 3.8.0 - no changes necessary

 gsmlib (1.10-13) unstable; urgency=low
   * Ack NMU, Thanks Michael, Christoph & Petter
   * debian/control add Homepage:
   * Update debian/copyright; gsm-lib/COPYING actually specifies LGPL:
     - fixes lintian:copyright-without-copyright-notice
   * Update manpages fixes lintian:hyphen-used-as-minus-sign
   * Update debian/gsm-utils.init
     - fixes lintian:init.d-script-missing-lsb-short-description
   * Bug fixes from ubuntu
     - Don't install contrib/gsm-utils.init dh_installinit debian/gsm-utils.init
     - Create /var/run/gsm-utils
   * Add case 'L' to apps/gsmsmsd.cc - thks to Andrew Suffield
     - syslog support does not work (Closes: #346240)
   * gsm-utils.init really call restart with --stop first
     - init script calls --start twice (Closes: #377448)
   * Explictly set /bin/bash: gsmsmsspool & gsmsmsrequeue
     - bashism in /bin/sh script (Closes: #464981)
     - gsmsmsrequeue contains bashism or function error (Closes: #459396)
   * Patch apps/gsmsmsstore.cc - thks Isaac Wilcox
     - gsmsmsstore device existence check causes problems with RFCOMM
     devices (Closes: #340179)
   * Only start gsmsmsd if set in /etc/default/gsm-utils. crontab -> examples
     - gsmsmsd should be optional / start only if told so in
     /etc/default/gsm-utils (Closes: #474093)
   * Apply patch from Stefan Katerkamp & Jacob Nevins
     - Gsmsend

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