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Please, allow jclic into Lenny

Jclic is a widely used in Spain educational tool. The version in sid
differs from the version in lenny in two main aspects: new language
translations and depends on openjdk, what makes it migrate to main,
instead of keeping in contrib as lenny version.
I uploaded it some days before the lenny freeze, but as it had to cross
the new queue due to passing from contrib to main, it didn't have time
to go into sid before the freeze. Now that openjdk is in Lenny and jclic
dependency is totally fullfil in Lenny I'd like to see it there to be
able to include it in the future Lenny release of Debian Edu (being in
contrib leaves it out from the official Debian Edu release).

As there are no packages depending on jclic, and the differences between
version and version are new translations,
changelogs and new options in the compilation of the same source code,
please allow the latest version going into lenny.

The diff between the two versions is 1.2Mb sized due to the .properties
files containing the translations, that's why I'm not attaching it to
this mail, but I'll do it gladly if you need it.

This is the diff between both debian/changelogs files:

--- jclic-  2008-08-24
18:20:20.000000000 +0200
+++ jclic-      2008-08-24 18:20:04.000000000
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+jclic ( unstable; urgency=low
+  * debian/control:
+    - Changed suggests msttcorefonts to ttf-liberation |
+      ttf-mscorefonts-installer (Closes: #490030)
+    - Restrict build depends to only java-gcj-compat-dev to make the
+      build more reproducible
+    - Changed dependency on non-free sun java runtime to free openjdk
+  * Moved from contrib to main, as it now depends on java6-runtime
+    is provided by the free openjdk java runtime
+  * Bumped standards version to 3.8.0, no changes requiered
+  * Use dpatch to apply the changes
+ -- José L. Redrejo Rodríguez <jredrejo@debian.org>  Tue, 15 Jul 2008
17:19:38 +0200
 jclic ( unstable; urgency=low

   * Initial Debian Release (Closes: #450729).

Best regards
José L. Redrejo

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