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Re: Bug#444785: please build-depend on libnspr4-dev (>= 4.6.7-1)

On Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 09:50:16PM +0100, peter green wrote:
> Ari Pollak wrote:
>> Once again, that doesn't make any sense. Pidgin's configure only looks
>> for nss
> You are indeed correct, I was misinformed by the pidgin developers on irc, 
> I have now worked out what really happened.

> nss was forciblly updated in testing because it was blocking so many 
> packages from transitioning. Unfortunately in doing so the pkg-config file 
> for it was updated to depend on nspr rather than xulrunner-nspr. The result 
> is that pkg-config will not find nss even when the full xulrunner-nss name 
> is used.

> i'm forwarding this on to the release team because it means the breakage 
> from the forcing in of nss a lot worse than it first appears, this is going 
> to cause any package to that depends on nss through pkg-config to FTBFS in 
> testing.

Perhaps it's worse than it first appeared to you, but it's exactly as bad as
I knew it to be.  The choices were to break self-hosting of all nss
reverse-deps in testing on all archs, or to make all xulrunner reverse-deps
in testing completely uninstallable on mips* in testing.  (Not updating at
all was a worse option than either of these under the circumstances.)

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
vorlon@debian.org                                   http://www.debian.org/

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