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[hendry@iki.fi: Unblock request for Wordpress]

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----- Forwarded message from Kai Hendry <hendry@iki.fi> -----

From: Kai Hendry <hendry@iki.fi>
To: debian-release@debian.org
Cc: Moritz Muehlenhoff <jmm@inutil.org>
Subject: Unblock request for Wordpress
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 10:26:19 +0000
Reply-To: Kai Hendry <hendry@iki.fi>


I see 2.0.6-1 is slated for etch and it should/must be updated to 2.0.8
for (minor) security reasons. 2.0.x is the stable branch of Wordpress,
as opposed to the new unstable 2.1.x.

Can we do this? I've attached the diffstat of 2.0.7 and 2.0.8 to try
demonstrate the minimal impact.

I might need some hand holding as this process is new to me and I need a
sponsor. I am on #debian-release today as 'hendry'.

Kind regards,

----- Forwarded message from Ryan Boren <ryan@boren.nu> -----

From: Ryan Boren <ryan@boren.nu>
To: Kai Hendry <hendry@iki.fi>
Subject: WordPress 2.0.8
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2007 18:35:35 -0800
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We will officially announce 2.0.8 very soon now.  First we need to get
a new server into rotation to handle the load.  Our current server has
been a bit overloaded since 2.1 came out.  In the meantime, that
package is the final 2.0.8.



----- End forwarded message -----

 wordpress-2.0.7/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/inlinepopups/editor_plugin.js     |only
 wordpress-2.0.7/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/inlinepopups/editor_plugin_src.js |only
 wordpress-2.0.7/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/inlinepopups/readme.txt           |only
 wordpress-2.0.8/debian/changelog                                                 |    6 +
 wordpress-2.0.8/readme.html                                                      |    2 
 wordpress-2.0.8/wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php                                  |    1 
 wordpress-2.0.8/wp-admin/link-categories.php                                     |    5 -
 wordpress-2.0.8/wp-admin/link-import.php                                         |    2 
 wordpress-2.0.8/wp-admin/options-permalink.php                                   |    2 
 wordpress-2.0.8/wp-admin/user-edit.php                                           |    2 
 wordpress-2.0.8/wp-content/plugins/akismet/akismet.php                           |   37 +++++++++-
 wordpress-2.0.8/wp-includes/cache.php                                            |   13 +++
 wordpress-2.0.8/wp-includes/classes.php                                          |   12 ++-
 wordpress-2.0.8/wp-includes/functions.php                                        |   15 +++-
 wordpress-2.0.8/wp-includes/rss-functions.php                                    |    6 -
 wordpress-2.0.8/wp-includes/version.php                                          |    2 
 wordpress-2.0.8/wp-includes/wp-db.php                                            |   10 ++
 17 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

----- End forwarded message -----

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