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Re: Bug#438856: gmoo needs to be rebuilded in clean environment [i386]

Alexander Gerasiov <gq@cs.msu.su> (18/08/2007):
> gq@vice:/tmp$ gmoo 
> gmoo: error while loading shared libraries: libgdk_imlib.so.1: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Looks like something wrong with build env, where this binary MNU was
> created.


Looks like (re)building it in a clean environment solves this problem,
the extra deps (libjpeg, libpng et al.) are dropped and one gets the
same kind of deps as on other architectures (I compared to powerpc), so
I believe a binNMU on i386 might be sufficient; Cc-ing debian-release
accordingly. (Sorry Luk et al., I'm not sure about the version
information to include for the binNMU, in particular the “Rebuild
against...” bits.)


Cyril Brulebois

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