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Re: Please rebuild Kicad on mipsel

On Sun, Jul 15, 2007 at 11:02:28AM +0100, Richard A Burton wrote:

> For some reason the build failed because it couldn't find gcc. Maybe
> build-essential was broken? It failed on several platforms but all the
> others have tried again since, and built successfully.

Yes, build-essential was broken (libc6-dev depends on linux-libc-dev,
linux-libc-dev conflicts with linux-kernel-headers, something else wanted to
pull l-k-h back into the chroots and kicked out g++ and libstdc++-dev).

I don't know why the mipsel failures weren't given back earlier, but I
see that more recent builds have been finding g++ just fine, so I've
requeued the lot of these.

> Also, is there a problem with sparc builds? The last version of kicad
> never actually got built, and it's getting further down the queue. It
> was 40 odd, then one hundred and something, now over 200.

Yes, bug #433187.  (It's only at 84 in the queue, now; the jump to 200 was
caused by the scheduling of binNMUs for a glib1.2 library change, but those
have all been deferred because gtk+1.2 isn't binNMU-safe.)

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
vorlon@debian.org                                   http://www.debian.org/

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