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Re: Proposed release goal for lenny: Switch to dependency based boot system

[Steve Langasek]
> Well, that seems... suboptimal. :)  And something of a barrier to adoption.

Yeah, but it make it easier to detect the problematic ones. :)

> What would be a better heuristic?  Even running these scripts last
> instead of first would seem better.  Would it make sense to keep
> track of the sysvinit number for each script, and for each script
> without dependency information, treat /all/ lower-numbered scripts
> as dependencies?

I plan to assume start and stop dependency '$remote_fs $syslog', start
runlevel 2345 and stop runlevel 016, as this arguably is the current
meaning of the 'default' setting in update-rc.d.  This is not
implemented in insserv yet, thought.

For those init.d scripts where this is not the correct setting, I plan
to provide override files in the insserv package until the scripts get
correct headers themselves.

But first and foremost, I want the scripts themselves to have correct
dependency information, as it is the only way to keep the boot
sequence correct.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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