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Please hint gnomebaker 0.6.0-7 for inclusion in Etch

Dear Release Team,

Please hint gnomebaker 0.6.0-7 for inclusion in Etch. This version of
the package fixes bugs 394162, 408763 and 402630. Also it fixes a bug in
the iso image selector that has not been reported. Here's the full
changelog for this revision (diff against 0.6.0-6 attached):

gnomebaker (0.6.0-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * Merged from Ubuntu:
   - debian/patches/11_add_raw_extension_support.dpatch: fixed the .raw
     extension detection code.
  * debian/patches/07_improved_gnome_menu_entry.dpatch: removed the 
    Utility category (Closes: #394162)
  * debian/patches/12_use_wodim.dpatch: 
    - use genisoimage instead of mkisofs
    - use icedax instead of cdda2wav
    - use readom instead of readcd (Closes: #408763)
  * debian/control: Depend on genisoimage and icedax instead of 
    mkisofs and cdda2wav (Closes: #402630).

Goedson Teixeira Paixao          http://mundolivre.wordpress.com/
Debian Project                   http://www.debian.org/
Jabber ID: goedson@jabber.org    http://www.jabber.org/

Attachment: gnomebaker.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Esta =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E9?= uma parte de mensagem assinada digitalmente

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