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Fixing the eel2 madness


I should have done that a long time ago, but I somehow forgot - partly
because the bug was mistakenly marked as non-RC - how much the eel2
package is broken. Sorry for that.

This library is intended as a "private" library for nautilus, and as
such the upstream authors feel like changing the ABI between GNOME
releases. However, as it features some useful extensions, it is used by
several other packages.

Because of various "small" ABI changes, it looks like *all* packages in
sarge that depend on libeel2-2 don't work with the etch version. To fix
that situation so late in the release process, I have added an
appropriate Conflicts: field and uploaded it to unstable. This is

Of course, the real solution is to change the SONAME correctly. Because
the ABI seems to have changed in all (well, maybe all but one) GNOME
releases from 2.8 to 2.16, I have added a release number corresponding
to the GNOME version and uploaded it to experimental, which means future
versions won't cause such trouble. This is 2.16.3-2.

If the release team feels like it, I can upload the same fix in
unstable, but it will require a handful of binNMUs for related packages.

Thanks for your understanding,
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