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clamav upload and future plans

Hello all,

I am now uploading clamav 0.88.7.  This is a bugfix point release, and
the diff to 0.88.6 is minimal.  I am hoping to see it migrate etch, of
course, although that is only part of why I am writing this email.

While working on backporting the bugfixes addressed in this release, it
is becoming clear to me that the soon to be released 0.9x is diverging
too far from 0.8x branch, and security support will be difficult if we
release etch with an 0.8x series clamav.  I have spoken with upstream
about their release plans, and they are hopeful that they will have 0.90
final out soon.  I have also spoken with Aba on irc, and he has said
that he is not opposed to the idea, but I wanted to mention it in a
wider forum, as more eyes will find the flaws in my plan.  

I have been testing the rdepends, and I have found one bug in klamav
(bug filed).  All other packages that interact with clamav appear to be
unaffected by the upgrade, but of course more testing would be helpful.

So, here is the diffstat for the upload:
 ChangeLog                                             |    9
 INSTALL                                               |   87
 NEWS                                                  |    8
 README                                                |    8
 clamav-milter/clamav-milter.c                         |    5
 clamd/server-th.c                                     |    6
 clamscan/clamscan.c                                   |    7
 clamscan/manager.c                                    |    5
 clamscan/options.c                                    |    1
 configure.in                                          |    4
 debian/changelog                                      |    8
 debian/clamav-base.postinst.in                        |    8
 debian/control                                        |    2
 debian/control.in                                     |  178 -
 debian/patches/00list                                 |    4
 debian/patches/00options                              |    1
 debian/patches/02_milter_sendmail_version_woody_patch |   26
 debian/rules                                          |   38
 docs/man/clamd.conf.5.in                              |    5
 docs/man/clamscan.1                                   |    3
 etc/clamd.conf                                        |    4
 examples/ex1.c                                        |    7
 libclamav/clamav.h                                    |    7
 libclamav/mbox.c                                      |   47
 libclamav/message.c                                   |    1
 libclamav/scanners.c                                  |    6
 libclamav/untar.c                                     |  163 -
 libclamav/untar.h                                     |   10
 shared/cfgparser.c                                    |    1

(I have cut out autogenerated files like the html docs and autotools diff 
to hopefully make it more readable).

Thanks for your consideration.
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        sgran@debian.org |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                                     http://www.debian.org |

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