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I would like you to accept the vzctl package in unstable
to etch. I have updated it with a missing recommendation
on rsync that one of the tools need. It is not a critical thing
but it would be nice and it do not create any extra problems.


// Ola

 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
/  opal@debian.org                     Annebergsslingan 37      \
|  ola@opalsys.net                     654 65 KARLSTAD          |
|  +46 (0)54-10 14 30                  +46 (0)70-332 1551       |
|  http://opalsys.net/                 UIN/icq: 4912500         |
\  gpg/f.p.: 7090 A92B 18FE 7994 0C36  4FE4 18A1 B1CF 0FE5 3DD9 /

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