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Re: Proposal for public announcement for the next release update

Martin Schulze wrote:
> Moin!

Hi Joey

I only want to understand what went wrong, so we can avoid it in the
future, so please don't take anything as an attack of some sort, but an
honest question on why something happened the way it did AFAICS...

> Andreas Barth wrote:
>> just two things:
>> First, I think the release team has the right to send out texts to
>> debian-news on his own. Why didn't you approve our mail? I'm considering
>> to ask the mailing list admins to give us direct permissions to post to
>> that list.
> I don't think so.  I didn't think the mail was suitable for the list
> as is, which is why I took the liberty to start from scratch and
> phrase it properly (imho) based on the detailed mail and information
> Marc sent to the -devel-announce list before

Why was it not suitable? Why should you start from scratch and base it
on the mail to -devel-announce if it's clear that the mail to
-devel-announce was clearly different on purpose?

>> Second, though I really welcome more announcements about the release of
>> Etch, please wait until you get an ok from a release team member,
> I would have, if you and Marc wouldn't have whined so much before and
> gotton onto my nerves.  That left me with the impression that this
> issue is so pressing that I must not delay it any further and send it
> out as soon as I consider it suitable.  I'm sorry if I have gotton a
> wrong impression.

The issue is rather the not knowing why it is not sended than the fact
it is not sended IMHO...

> In and ideal world, we would work *together* and not work after each
> other.  I would much prefer to do that.

So why don't you? AFAICT you didn't communicate at all why the proposed
announcement was in your opionion not fit for the list...

>> especially if you create your text in such a short time periode (and
>> both Marc and I were away via the weekend).  It might help to Cc
>> debian-release for such input.  Also, as you know, you could try to call
> The input was taken from the announcement sent to -devel-announce.  If
> that should be wrong, I wonder why it has been sent there before.
> Marcs version of the public announcement even linked to that mail.  I
> don't understand why you're upset now.

Though the content was clearly different on purpose... not because of
wrong information, but because of a different audience...

Just my 2c...



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