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Re: Possible hints etc. for KDE progression to testing

On Fri, Dec 23, 2005 at 02:56:50PM -0500, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
> # These are made uninstallable by the KDE hint, and they have no significant
> # reverse depends.
> # Bug #343037
> remove libbonobomm1.3/1.3.8-3
> # Depends on libbonobomm1.3
> remove libbonobouimm1.3/1.3.7-4

343047 looks like a false-positive to me; closed, these should go in with
the rest of the hint.

> # Stupid new uploads
> # rekall: needs build on alpha, 6 days
> remove rekall/2.2.3-2-3
> # easytag: needs build on alpha, arm, 7 days
> remove easytag/1.99.8-1
> # prokyon3: needs build on alpha, 7 days
> remove prokyon3/0.9.2-2.2

There's nothing stupid about the rekall upload, at least; it's the first
version that has had a chance to build on 64-bit archs since the transition,
and now we're waiting for the alpha autobuilder to return from a roadtrip.
I'll consider ignoring these alpha uninstallables or removing the packages
from testing if alpha takes too long getting back.

> # Boost delays kdeedu etc., and is just awaiting an alpha build now
> urgent boost/1.33.0-6
> # Readline needs some builds; but the current version looks like it will work,
> # since it built on the previous problem architectures.
> urgent readline5/5.1-4

Since the urgent hints alone aren't enough to get these considered, I'm not
going to bother just yet.

It looks like readline5 also has some broken dependencies...

    lib64readline5-dev/i386 unsatisfiable Depends: libc6-amd64-dev
    lib64readline5-dev/powerpc unsatisfiable Depends: libc6-ppc64-dev
    lib64readline5-dev/s390 unsatisfiable Depends: libc6-s390x-dev
    lib64readline5-dev/sparc unsatisfiable Depends: libc6-sparc64-dev

> lurker needs a rebuild on all arches to pick up new libmimelib1c2a from
> kdepim.

Queued, thanks.

> taskjuggler: needs requeue on HPPA (failed because of make bug)

I don't see any reason to think this is a make bug; it looks exactly like
the output I would expect if make ran a command that generated an illegal
instruction, which would seem to be a bug in the command being run, not in
make.  Anyway, there wouldn't be much sense in requeuing without knowing
that the next run would use a different version of make.

> tora: needs requeue on HPPA (failed because kdebase wasn't ready)

Well, kdebase still isn't ready...

> tellico: needs build on HPPA, not tried yet

Not tried because its dependencies are FTBFS on hppa still; so we'll force
ignoring hppa for this one as for the others.

> The HPPA problems mean that the KDE hint is going to increase the
> uninstallability count on HPPA, no question.  Maybe you should consider
> admitting that to britney.  :-P

I'm not sure what you mean by "admitting it to britney".  The hppa problems
are being ignored in order to get the affected packages considered as
candidates; that's as much as can be done right now other than adding hppa
to the list of broken archs globally or actually forcing the hint in. 
Neither of those is appropriate at the moment.

> The main remaining tangler is abiword, but you seem to be on top of that;
> the latest readline looks like it will work, and ocaml just needs an alpha
> build.

Yes, ocaml just needs an alpha build, but we'll get to see a whole new set
of fun failures once ocaml is a candidate -- which should be tomorrow, as
I've just added a force hint for ocaml as well.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
vorlon@debian.org                                   http://www.debian.org/

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