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Re: Looking for new release assistants

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Andreas Barth <aba@not.so.argh.org> writes:


> the development cycle for etch just started off. We would like to bring new
> people into the loop for etch now to better distribute the workload, and look
> out for new release assistants.

I'm interested in helping out.

The information requested:

My name is Roger Leigh, Debian username "rleigh".

I usually have free time in the evenings (18:00-23:00 GMT/BST) and
most weekends, though the amount I can dedicate to Debian-related
stuff varies depending on commitments I have to other (upstream)
projects, (and, very occasionally, real life).  I'm usually available
on IRC for at least a few hours within that period.

I currently have a fair bit of free time, but I may be going back to
University for a year in a couple of months.  I don't yet know what
effect this will have on my free time, but nothing is definite yet.

Sample bugs I've fixed: #311615, #285628, #297917, #285095, #288770,
and quite a few in the fortnight leading up to Sarge, though I can't
remember the numbers.  And an epic failure(!): #310882

> 	* You need to be able to understand C, /bin/sh scripting, Perl,
> 	  Python, Debian packaging, policy, the developers reference, and
> 	  similar things.

I'm happy with all those, though my Python skills are limited.  I have
6 years of C experience.


- -- 
Roger Leigh
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