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Re: gtkmathview 0.6.5, is it possible to accept it in sarge?

On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 10:09:25PM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> [ this is a low priority mail, nothing vital for testing, just an
>   attempt to see non-disruptive changes propoage into sarge ]

> Hi all,
>   gtkmathview (a GTK widget to render MathML) has versions 0.6.5 in
> unstable and 0.6.4 in testing. The freeze happened 1 day before it
> transition in testing :-(

> As a package it is a "good guy": no bugs at all, responsive upstream,
> and only one package on which he is depending on (lablgtkmathview: ocaml
> bindings for gtkmathview).

> Is it possible to accept gtkmathview 0.6.5 in testing?

> The reason why I'm asking is that starting from this version support for
> rendering MathML tables has been added. API/ABI haven't changed and as a
> consequence lablgtkmathview does not need to be rebuilt with the new
> version.

Very much a border case, but approved.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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