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Re: SableVM 1.1.6 needs hinting

Colin Watson <cjwatson@debian.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 05:44:23PM -0400, Grzegorz B. Prokopski wrote:
> > The 1.1.6-1 packages of SableVM (sablevm and sablevm-classlib sources)
> > didn't get into testing even though 5 days period is finished.  Could
> > somebody please hint them again [*] to get into testing?
> Done.

Strange, but 1.1.6 still doesn't seem to have entered testing and I can't
find out why (assuming it has been hinted).  Could you please take a look
and tell me if there's anything I should do to help it?

Thanks a lot,

				Grzegorz B. Prokopski

Grzegorz B. Prokopski      <gadek@debian.org>
Debian GNU/Linux           http://www.debian.org
SableVM - LGPL'ed Java VM  http://www.sablevm.org
Why SableVM ?!?            http://devel.sablevm.org/wiki/Features

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