Re: Summary of python transition problems
On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 16:02:50 +1000, Peter HAWKINS wrote:
> The problem is this (from the buildd log):
> Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 3.0.0), debconf, python2.2-dev (>= 2.2.3), python2.3-dev, apache2, apache2-dev (>= 2.0.46-1)
A build dependency on a daemon package? That's evil, sick and wrong.
> So who do I need to harass to fix this?
I've just verified (in a pbuilder chroot) that the package builds fine with
the following /usr/sbin/apache2 "implementation":
#! /bin/sh
echo "Server version: Apache/2.0.47"
echo "Server built: Jul 15 2003 14:07:14"
exit 0
Thus it shouldn't be too difficult to fix upstream's build system so as to
accept the apache2 binary location and version information as arguments to
"configure" and thus do away with the daemon build dependency.
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