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Preparing 2.2r3

An up-to-date version (copy of my work copy) is at

Preparation of Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3

This list is based on the report posted by Anthony Towns.  I'll have
to do some more investigation tomorrow.  If people object to one or
the other decision, please tell me.

I'm currently preparing 2.2r3 and will send reports so people can
actually comment on it.  I'm not responsible for that release,
responsibility still lays at Anthony Towns who has to give the final
approve for each package.  I, however, can and will try to make his
work as easy as possible in the hope to get the next release out real
soon now.

Accepted packages

These packages should make it into stable.

analog      updates   1:4.01-1potato1  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security Update

apache      updates   1.3.9-13.2  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security Update

aview       updates   1.2-8.1.1   m68k

	Fix unmet dependency in potato

bind             updates   1:8.2.3-0.potato.1  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
bind-dev         updates   1:8.2.3-0.potato.1  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
bind-doc         updates   1:8.2.3-0.potato.1  all
dnsutils         updates   1:8.2.3-0.potato.1  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
task-dns-server  updates   1:8.2.3-0.potato.1  all

	Security Update

cron        updates   3.0pl1-57.2  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security Update

cslatex     updates   1.2.2       all


	Fixed cslatex stops installation (closes: #67214, #69224)

cupsys-bsd      updates   1.0.4-9     i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
cupsys          updates   1.0.4-9     i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
libcupsys1-dev  updates   1.0.4-9     i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
libcupsys1      updates   1.0.4-9     i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security upload

	Packages compiled for alpha and arm uploaded.

	No advisory yet, due to audit in progress

dialog      updates   0.9a-20000118-3bis  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security Update

eperl       updates   2.2.14-0.7potato2  arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security update, DSA 034

	alpha uploaded by me, waiting for dinstall

ethereal    updates   0.8.0-2potato    i386

	Security Update
	Compiled to sync versions in stable

exmh        updates   1:2.1.1-1.1  all

	Security Update

glibc-doc       updates   2.1.3-17    all
i18ndata        updates   2.1.3-17    all
libc6-dbg       updates   2.1.3-17    arm, i386, powerpc, sparc
libc6-dev       updates   2.1.3-17    arm, i386, powerpc, sparc
libc6-pic       updates   2.1.3-17    arm, i386, powerpc, sparc
libc6-prof      updates   2.1.3-17    arm, i386, powerpc, sparc
libc6.1-dbg     updates   2.1.3-17    alpha
libc6.1-dev     updates   2.1.3-17    alpha
libc6.1-pic     updates   2.1.3-17    alpha
libc6.1-prof    updates   2.1.3-17    alpha
libc6.1         updates   2.1.3-17    alpha
libc6           updates   2.1.3-17    arm, i386, powerpc, sparc
libnss1-compat  updates   2.1.3-17    alpha, i386
locales         updates   2.1.3-17    alpha, arm, i386, powerpc, sparc
nscd            updates   2.1.3-17    alpha, arm, i386, powerpc, sparc

	Security updates (advisory pending)

	m68k build pending

inn2        updates  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
inn2-dev    updates  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
inn2-inews  updates  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security Update

jazip       updates   0.33-1      alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security Update
	Doesn't compile on arm due to no libforms

man-db      updates   2.3.16-1.1    arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
man-db      updates   2.3.16-1.1.1  alpha

	Security Update

man2html    updates   1.5-23      alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security update, DSA 035, DoS

	Alpha compiled & uploaded by me
gmc         updates   4.5.42-11.potato.6  arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
mc-common   updates   4.5.42-11.potato.6  arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
mc          updates   4.5.42-11.potato.6  arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security update, DSA 036

	Alpha missing, uploaded, waiting for dinstall

mgetty-docs     updates   1.1.21-3potato1  all
mgetty-fax      updates   1.1.21-3potato1  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
mgetty-viewfax  updates   1.1.21-3potato1  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
mgetty-voice    updates   1.1.21-3potato1  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
mgetty          updates   1.1.21-3potato1  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security update, DSA 011

micq        updates   0.4.3-4     alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security update, DSA 012

mysql-client  updates   3.22.32-6   alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
mysql-server  updates   3.22.32-6   alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security update, DSA 013

	Sparc, powerpc and alpha compiled & uploaded by me.

libmysqlclient6-dev  updates   3.22.30-4   arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
libmysqlclient6      updates   3.22.30-4   arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
mysql-gpl-client     updates   3.22.30-4   arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
mysql-gpl-doc        updates   3.22.30-4   all

	Security update, same as DSA 013

	Alpha compile in progress

nano        updates   0.9.23-1    alpha, arm, i386, m68k, sparc
nano        updates   0.9.23-1.1  powerpc

	Security Update

nextaw      updates   0.5.1-34potato1  i386, m68k
nextawg     updates   0.5.1-34potato1  i386, m68k
xaw3dg-dev  updates   1.3-6.9potato1   i386, m68k
xaw3dg      updates   1.3-6.9potato1   i386, m68k
xaw3d       updates   1.3-6.9potato1   i386, m68k
xaw3dg-dev  updates   1.3-6.9potato1   i386, m68k
xaw3dg      updates   1.3-6.9potato1   i386, m68k
xaw3d       updates   1.3-6.9potato1   i386, m68k

	Security update, DSA 037

nvi                updates   1.79-16a             alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Fixes possible document corruption.  Changelog says:

	Added Alexandero Viro's patch against possible document
	corruption.  I think this is worth including in the next
	stable release.  This is bug 77978

php4-cgi-gd     updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-cgi-imap   updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-cgi-ldap   updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-cgi-mhash  updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-cgi-mysql  updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-cgi-pgsql  updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-cgi-snmp   updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-cgi-xml    updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-cgi        updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-dev        updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  all
php4-gd         updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-imap       updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-ldap       updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-mhash      updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-mysql      updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-pgsql      updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-snmp       updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4-xml        updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
php4            updates   4.0.3pl1-0potato1.1  alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security Update

postfix     updates   0.0.19991231pl11-1       arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	* Upstream fixes (see /usr/share/doc/postfix/RELEASE_NOTES), including:
	  - Postfix must no longer use DB 1.85 compatibility mode, because that
	    mode loses the file lock while building a table, so that table
	    lookups fail and MAIL IS LOST.  Closes: #78812.
	  - Confusing site_hog_factor is disabled by default.
	  - As required by RFC822, Postfix now inserts a generic To: header if
	    no destination header is not present.
	  - postfix sendmail command no interprets '.' as end of message, unless
	    the sendmail-compatible -i (or -oi) command line option is specified.

	alpha is missing, scheduled to be compiled on faure

ecpg                updates   6.5.3-25    arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
libpgperl           updates   6.5.3-25    arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
libpgsql2           updates   6.5.3-25    arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
libpgtcl            updates   6.5.3-25    arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
odbc-postgresql     updates   6.5.3-25    arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
pgaccess            updates   6.5.3-25    arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
postgresql-client   updates   6.5.3-25    arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
postgresql-contrib  updates   6.5.3-25    arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
postgresql-dev      updates   6.5.3-25    arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
postgresql-doc      updates   6.5.3-25    all
postgresql-pl       updates   6.5.3-25    arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
postgresql-test     updates   6.5.3-25    arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
postgresql          updates   6.5.3-25    arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
python-pygresql     updates   6.5.3-25    arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Packages fixes a problem that can result in data loss

	* Patch from knok@daionet.gr.jp (NOKUBI Takatsugu) and the PosgreSQL-J
	  Mailing List to cure loss of data (under some circumstances) in
	  vacuum.  Closes: 81292

	Alpha build missing

idle             updates   1.5.2-10potato11  all
python-base      updates   1.5.2-10potato11  i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
python-dev       updates   1.5.2-10potato11  i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
python-elisp     updates   1.5.2-10potato11  all
python-examples  updates   1.5.2-10potato11  all
python-gdbm      updates   1.5.2-10potato11  i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
python-mpz       updates   1.5.2-10potato11  i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
python-regrtest  updates   1.5.2-10potato11  all
python-tk        updates   1.5.2-10potato11  i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
python-zlib      updates   1.5.2-10potato11  i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Well, I'm not quite amused.  I made a diff between the version
	from stable and proposed-updates.  It's 9308 lines large (271kB).

	* To the release manager: -11 includes a security fix to the
	  tempfile module, which was vulnerable to a symlink attack.
	  Apart from that, it contains an important fix for a long outstanding
	  obscure bug in the signal handling code, and a few small
	  modifications to fix some other bugs.
	  This revision is a recompile of the unstable package for potato
	  (one minor modification to mpzmodule was necessary to compile).
	  I would think this revision should be included in the next point
	  release of potato.

	Alpha and arm build's missing

sash        updates   3.4-6       alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security Update

sgml-tools  updates   1.0.9-14        powerpc, sparc
sgml-tools  updates   1.0.9-15        alpha, i386

	Security update

	arm, powerpc, sparc, m68k builds missing m68k:arrakis

	arm, sparc and powerpc on auric

slocate     updates   2.4-2potato1  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security Update

splitvt     updates   1.6.5-0potato1  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security Update

squid        updates   2.2.5-3.1   alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
squid-cgi    updates   2.2.5-3.1   alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
squidclient  updates   2.2.5-3.1   alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security Update

ssh                updates   1:1.2.3-9.3  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
ssh-askpass-gnome  updates   1:1.2.3-9.3  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
ssh-askpass-ptk    updates   1:1.2.3-9.3  all

	Security Update (1:1.2.3-9.2)

	Sanity Update (broken conffile fix, non-security issue)

stunnel     updates   3.10-0potato1  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security Update

	Arm upload from me, installed.

sudo        updates   1.6.2p2-2    alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security update, DSA 013

	Alpha and powerpc compiled & uploaded by me

syslog-ng   updates   1.4.0rc3-3  alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Changelog says: Fix a DoS. Also Closes: #84353

tcpdump     updates   3.4a6-6     alpha, m68k, sparc

	Security Update

	Compiled by me to sync versions in stable

tinyproxy   updates   1.3.1-2     alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Security Update

wu-ftpd         updates   2.6.0-5.3   alpha, arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
wu-ftpd-academ  updates   2.6.0-5.3   all

	Security Update (2.6.0-5.2)

	Sanity Update (broken conffile fix, non-security issue)

Rejected packages

Packages that don't meet my requirements

acroread    updates   4.05-3      i386

	Misplaced upload, it says "stable unstable", priority "low" it
	doesn't fix a critical or security bug

	Maintainer: Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>

alsaplayer-alsa  updates   0.99.26-3   i386, sparc
alsaplayer-esd   updates   0.99.26-3   i386, sparc
alsaplayer-oss   updates   0.99.26-3   i386, sparc
alsaplayer       updates   0.99.26-3   i386, sparc

	Priority low, no critical or security fixes.

	From the maintainer: I made these packages before I was told
	that build dependencies were not required.  Feel free to
	reject, there were no other changes.

	Maintainer: Ivo Timmermans <ivo@debian.org>

barcode     updates   0.95.1-3    m68k, powerpc
barcode     updates   0.95.1-4    arm, sparc

	No reason to make it into stable, changelog mentions unstable

	Maintainer: Chris Rutter <chris@armlinux.org>

distributed-net         updates   2.8012-potato3  i386, powerpc, sparc

	No security update

	Changelog doesn't make me believe that these fixes have to go
	into stable.  It's contrib anyway.

	Maintainer: Joe Drew <drew@debian.org>

doc-linux-zh-s  unstable  2001.01-1     all
doc-linux-zh-s  updates   2001.01-1     all

	Misplaced upload that ought to be unstable only

	Maintainer: Anthony Wong <ypwong@debian.org>

dvorak7min  updates   1.4-5       arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Misplaced upload that ought to be unstable only.

	Maintainer: Ivo Timmermans <ivo@debian.org>

comerr-dev    updates   2.0-1.18-3.0potato1  arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
e2fslibs-dev  updates   1.18-3.0potato1      arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
e2fsprogs     updates   1.18-3.0potato1      arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
ss-dev        updates   2.0-1.18-3.0potato1  arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc
uuid-dev      updates   1.2-1.18-3.0potato1  arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	I'm not yet convincet that this package is crucial for potato.
	Additionally it may contain some code that would require new
	boot floopies to work.  I'm not convinced this would be good
	and should be triggered.

	Alpha is missing

	Maintainer: Yann Dirson <dirson@debian.org>

freetype-tools  updates   1.4-0potato2  arm, i386, powerpc, sparc
freetype2-dev   updates   1.4-0potato2  arm, i386, powerpc, sparc
freetype2       updates   1.4-0potato2  arm, i386, powerpc, sparc

	Changelog says: New upstream release, the final version of the
	FreeType 1 series.

	Alpha and m68k missing

	Maintainer: Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>

g2          updates   0.40-2      i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Changelog says:

	* New maintainer.

	* Updated description - g2 site moved since last release.

	* Added dependency on libgd-gif1.  Closes: Bug#61124

	Arm and alpha missing

	Maintainer: Eric Cain <ecain@debian.org>

hztty       updates   2.0-3potato4  arm, i386, m68k, sparc

	New package for stable

	Changelog says:

	* Compilation problem on Alpha architecture is now fixed!  Special
	  thanks to fellow Debian developer Paul Slootman who sent me the patch!
	  Closes: Bug#55251.

	* An hopeful upload for Debian 2.2r3; hztty didn't get into Debian 2.2
	  because of Bug#55251.  Now that Paul has fixed this "Can't build from
	  source" bug, I hope hztty could get into future Debian 2.2 releases
	  if there is enough room on the CD-ROMs.  :-)

	Alpha and powerpc missing

	Maintainer: Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>

latex2rtf   stable    1.1-6       arm, m68k, powerpc
latex2rtf   stable    1.8aa-2     alpha, i386, sparc
latex2rtf   updates   1.8aa-4     alpha, i386, sparc

	Changelog does not convince me to push it into stable:

	* Upload to stable to overcome the "can't build from source" bug that
	  breaks autobuild on some architectures.

	* Add build dependency on debhelper.

	Three arch's missing

	Maintainer: Chris Lawrence <lawrencc@debian.org>

liece-dcc   updates  powerpc

	Misplaced upload, it mentions "stable unstable" it's a new
	upstream version

modutils    updates   2.3.11-10    sparc
modutils    updates   2.3.11-13    i386

	Stable has newer versions already and all arch's are in sync.

mtools      updates   3.9.6-4           arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	Doesn't look like it was suited for potato.  Changelog says

	* New maintainer.

	* The following patches are needed to get mtools running on ARM:

	    - updated config.guess and config.sub

	    - configure.in: recognize *-*-linux-gnu

	    - configure.in: add "-mstructure-size-boundary=8" to the
			    CFLAGS on ARM (closes: #79180)

	Alpha is also missing

realplayer  updates   8.0.1       i386

	I'm not convinced this package should go into stable.
	Changelog says:

	* I'm adopting this package (no wnpp was filed).

	* taggart's patch (Closes: #60426, #83038, #83227 #85823)

	* Changed dependencies for XF4 (Closes: #82988)

	* New version for potato (Closes: #74741, #81566)

	* Also (Closes: #74326, #64456, #76487, #79638, #46401)

	* Why not.. added menu hint (Closes: #82332)

	* Removed dh_suidregister

	Maintainer: Brian Russo <wolfie@debian.org>

setiathome  stable    3.0-3       m68k, powerpc
setiathome  stable    3.0-5       arm
setiathome  stable    3.0-7       alpha, i386, sparc
setiathome  updates   3.0-8       powerpc
setiathome  updates   3.03-2      alpha, i386

	1st I'm not convinced why a new version should go into stable.

	2nd Versions are totally out of sync.  Fix that please.

	Maintainer: Gopal Narayanan <gopal@debian.org>

task-chinese-s  updates   0.6potato1  all
task-chinese-t  updates   0.6potato1  all

	I'm not convinced this package should go into stable.  Changelog:

	* 'locales' now depends on version >= 2.1.3-17 because LC_COLLATE
	   of zh_TW.Big5 was missing in Potato 2.2r2.

	* Corrected description of task-chinese-t: changed "Simplified"
	  to "Traditional".

	Maintainer: Anthony Wong <ypwong@debian.org>

tfm-arphic-bkai00mp  updates   2.11        all
tfm-arphic-bsmi00lp  updates   2.11        all
tfm-arphic-gbsn00lp  updates   2.11        all
tfm-arphic-gkai00mp  updates   2.11        all

	Misplaced upload, Changelog mentions 'stable unstable'

	Maintainer: Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>

trueprint   updates   5.1-8       i386, powerpc, sparc

	I'm not convinced this package should go into stable, sorry
	Blinder, but we already discussed this...  Small chance: aj
	has the final say.  Changelog says:

	* fixed a typo in the config file which causes the program to segfault
	  when useing the -P option, with which one can specify where to print
	  the output; Closes: #73042;
	* removed wrong control information:
	    - Build-Depends: lpr | lprng
	    - Suggests: diff
	* Updated Maintainer field to my official Debian address

	alpha, arm and m68k missing

	Maintainer: Othmar Pasteka <othmar@debian.org>

w3m         stable    0.1.6-4                    powerpc
w3m         stable    0.1.9-5                    alpha, arm, i386, sparc
w3m         updates   0.1.10+0.1.11pre+kokb22-1  arm, sparc
w3m         updates   0.1.10+0.1.11pre+kokb23-1  alpha, i386

	I'm not yet convinced about this upload.  What scares me
	exactly is 1st a new upstream version and 2nd the word
	'security fixes' without mentioning anything.  Needs further

	arm, sparc and powerpc missing

	Maintainer: Fumitoshi Ukai <ukai@debian.or.jp>

watchdog           updates   5.1-2       arm, i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	I'm not convinced by this changelog why it should go into stable:

	* Uploaded to stable, adds --noscripts to debhelper invocation, closes:
	  #53298, #61939 (grave).

	alpha version still missing

	Maintainer: Johnie Ingram <johnie@debian.org>

wdm         updates   1.20-0.0potato1  arm

	Wth should this package go into stable?  The changelog scares me:

	* Non-maintainer upload for potato, sponsored by Anthony Fok.

	* New upstream version.  Closes: #59945.

	* Fix package build problems in debian/rules.  Closes: #67866, #67867.

	* Fix 'NoChange' with an Xsession wrapper.  Closes: #59621, #61244.

	* Call update_wdm_wmlist in init file.  Closes: #34680.

	* Insists on PAM fail delay even if getpwnam fails.  Closes: #67166.

	* Disable running xconsole by default.  Closes: #56918.

	* New non-squashed logo from Daniel Patterson.  Closes: #48696.

	* Added Build-Depends in debian/control.

	alpha, i386, m68k, powerpc and sparc missing

	Maintainer: Daniel Patterson <danpat@debian.org>

xcal        updates   4.1-9       alpha, i386, powerpc, sparc

	Misplaced upload, mentions 'stable unstable', changelog says:

	* closes Bug#80504 (pscal gets January 2001 wrong!)

	* cleaned up debian/ directory and updated standards

	arm and m68k missing

	Maintainer: tmancill@debian.org

xemacs21-basesupport     updates   1999.12.15-1.2  all

	Dunno why this should go into stable.

	* Non-maintainer release to fix previous upload.

	* Another hack in debian/rules to force the .elc files I had to remove
	  to be rebuilt (Closes: #86990).  This should really be done in a
	  Better Way, but this package does not seem to provide support for
	  compiling elc files.

	* Removed psgml-other.* from MANIFEST.psgml.

	Maintainer: Yann Dirson <dirson@debian.org>

xfonts-baekmuk  updates   2.0-3        all

	Dunno why this should go into stable, changelog says:

	* Added Won-Kyu Park's hintings of gulim10b?, batang10b?, gulim12b?
	  from <http://zinc.skku.ac.kr/~wkpark/baekmuk/>

	Maintainer: Changwoo Ryu <cwryu@debian.org>

xfonts-cmex-big5p  updates   0.1-4potato5  all

	Dunno why this should go into stable, changelog says:

	* Added code in postinst to rmdir /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/chinese
	  if it is empty or just contains font.dir and fonts.alias
	  (Closes: Bug#54994).

	* [debian/control]: Removed an extraneous colon at the end of the
	   Build-Depends line (Closes: #76505).

	Maintainer: Changwoo Ryu <cwryu@debian.org>

xtide       updates   2.2a-1      i386, m68k, powerpc, sparc

	I don't see a reason why this package should make it into stable.  Changelog:

	* The Debian source archive xtide_2.2.orig.tar.gz was not pristine and
	  included tidal harmonics data downloaded from the XTide web site.
	  It was recently discovered that some of the data included in the above
	  archive may be in violation of copyright.  Therefore, XTide's author
	  removed the data in question from his web site and produced new
	  harmonics files which were included in this 2.2a Debian version.

	Alpha and arm missing

	Maintainer: Peter S Galbraith <psg@debian.org>


This list intends to help Anthony Towns releasing 2.2r3.  He has the
final power to accept a package or not.  If you want to comment on
this list, please send a mail to Martin Schulze <joey@debian.org>.

Not yet investigated

--- elvis-tiny_1.4-12_arm.changes
--- elvis-tiny_1.4-12_i386.changes
--- kernel-image-2.2.18-alpha_2.2.18-1_alpha.changes
--- kernel-image-2.2.18-i386_2.2.18-1_i386.changes
--- kernel-image-2.2.19pre11-i386_2.2.19pre11-1_i386.changes
--- kernel-image-2.2.19pre13-alpha_2.2.19pre13-1_alpha.changes
--- kernel-image-sparc-2.2_4_sparc.changes
--- kernel-patch-2.2.18-ide_20001209-1_i386.changes
--- kernel-patch-2.2.19pre11-ide_20001221-1_i386.changes
--- kernel-source-2.2.18_2.2.18-1_i386.changes
--- kernel-source-2.2.19pre11_2.2.19pre11-1_i386.changes
--- kernel-source-2.2.19pre13_2.2.19pre13-1_i386.changes
--- proftpd_1.2.0pre10-2.0potato1_i386.changes
--- proftpd_1.2.0pre10-2.0potato1_sparc.changes
--- proftpd_1.2.0pre10-2potato1_i386.changes
--- proftpd_1.2.0pre10-2potato1_m68k.changes
--- proftpd_1.2.0pre10-2potato1_sparc.changes
--- tcpdump_3.6.1-0.potato1_i386.changes

Security to review

--- xemacs21_21.1.10-5_arm.changes
--- xemacs21_21.1.10-5_i386.changes
--- xemacs21_21.1.10-5_powerpc.changes
--- xemacs21_21.1.10-5_sparc.changes

--- xpdf_0.90-8_arm.changes
--- xpdf_0.90-8_i386.changes
--- xpdf_0.90-8_m68k.changes
--- xpdf_0.90-8_powerpc.changes
--- xpdf_0.90-8_sparc.changes

--- zope_2.1.6-5.3_alpha.changes
--- zope_2.1.6-5.3_arm.changes
--- zope_2.1.6-5.3_i386.changes
--- zope_2.1.6-5.3_powerpc.changes
--- zope_2.1.6-5.3_sparc.changes
--- zope_2.1.6-5.4_m68k.changes
--- zope_2.1.6-5.4_security.changes
--- zope_2.1.6-6_i386.changes
--- zope_2.1.6-6_m68k.changes
--- zope_2.1.6-6_sparc.changes



GNU does not eliminate all the world's problems, only some of them.
                                                -- The GNU Manifesto

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

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