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Re: Bioconductor 3.19 transition

Hi Charles,

I'm just picking two single paragraphs from your long and interesting

Am Sat, May 11, 2024 at 08:50:48AM +0900 schrieb Charles Plessy:
> on sbuild, pbuilder or the like, and they usually require root. 

I'm feeding a local pbuilder repository with packages from previous
levels.  I simply made the user I'm building those packages owner of
that repository.

> Can we run CI tests offline?
> ----------------------------
> This is the part I have studied the least.  Debci is of course open
> source.  But I do not know if it can run non-root.

I've configured pbuilder to run autopkgtest inside pbuilder chroot.
Please excuse my brevity.  I'm not really available until June.

Kind regards


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